Vision & Mission
The Academy advances global health by pioneering the convergence of engineering, technology, and medicine through a multidisciplinary approach including physical sciences, life sciences, ethics, law, social sciences and the humanities.
To promote the innovations of engineering sciences and health engineering for the early prediction, early prevention, early diagnosis, early intervention, early treatment and early rehabilitation of diseases, to foster a better dialogue between "the two cultures": medicine on one side and engineering on the other for the advancement of global health, to promote the health equity and strive to improve health for all, to provide global leadership for professional development and to benefit humanity by disseminating knowledge, setting standards, and recognizing excellence.
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The Board of Directors (BoD) of the Academy shall be composed of the President who shall serve as the Chairman of the BoD, the 5 Vice-Presidents, the Immediate Past-President, and the Executive Director who reports to the President/the BoD and runs the daily operation. The BoD shall direct the affairs of the Academy and implement plans to carry out the objectives of the Academy. All issues of governance must have the approval of the BoD. Members of the BoD of the Academy shall be elected for a term of three years and renewed for one more term.
The Council shall consist of the Academy President, Vice-Presidents, Immediate Past-President, Executive Director, at least 15 members of the elected academy councilors, and 3 members of the International Advisory Committee.
The BoD shall be the body that deals with the issues of concerns on the research and education, professional activities, and other technical aspects on mentoring the future advancements of health engineering and biomedical technology.
International Advisory Committee shall be the body that deals with the issues to help the Academy to cultivate sustained international collaborations, and help to develop and implement strategies to enhance the success of the Academy to accomplish its objectives.
AEM is governed by ...